This is the Neighborhood Plan that will be voted on during the referendum on the 25th November 2021
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A Neighbourhood Plan is currently being prepared for Sowerby and surrounding area. What is a neighbourhood plan? Under the Localism Act, Councils are encouraged to work with their local community to make a Neighbourhood Plan. This is a framework for the future development and growth of a place or places and may contain a vision, aims, planning policies and general proposals for improving the area or providing new facilities, including the allocation of key sites for specific kinds of development. It would address a wide range of issues such as housing, employment, heritage, transport, economic development and the environment.
Everyone who would like to know more or have their say is encouraged to share their ideas with the Neighbourhood Plan Forum either through the Sowerby Resident’s Association Facebook page or you can email We want to know what you as the residents and the community of the area think about new housing, roads, schools, shops and infrastructure.
Neighbourhood Development Plans become part of the Local Plan and the policies contained within them are then used in the determination of planning applications. Neighbourhood Development Orders and Community Right to Build Orders allow communities to grant planning permission either in full or in outline for the types of development they want to see in their areas.
It must be stressed that the policies produced cannot block development that is already part of the Local Plan. What they can do is shape where that development will go and what it will look like.
Neighbourhood planning is one of the community rights, along with the Community Right to Build, Community Right to Bid, Community Right to Challenge and Community Right to Reclaim Land.
The local parish or town council will lead on neighbourhood planning in their areas. Where one does not exist then a community group known as a neighbourhood forum needs to be established to lead. The Localism Act recognises that not all communities are residential in nature and as such in areas that are predominantly commercial then a business led neighbourhood forum can be established.
The Local Planning Authority is involved and will make decisions at key stages of the process, such as approving the neighbourhood area within which the Neighbourhood Development Plan will have effect. It will also organise the independent examination of the plan and the community referendum that is held at the end of the process.
The referendum is an important part of the process allowing those that live in the neighbourhood area to decide whether or not the Neighbourhood Development Plan, Neighbourhood Development Order or Community Right to Build Order comes into effect or not. This is direct democracy and outlines the importance of working with the wider community and securing their support at an early stage in the process.
By Feb 18 – Complete the building of evidence for the plan
By Mar 18 – Write the initial plan draft
By May 18 – Submit the plan for consultation with the council
Sep 18 Plan submitted to Calderdale Council
Dec 19 Plan released for consultation
SOWERBY NP v5 – Nov 19 – intro
SOWERBY NP v4 – Nov 19 – policies
SOWERBY NP v4 Appendix A – Neighbourhood area
SOWERBY NP v4 Appendix E – Sustainability Table
SOWERBY NP v4 Appendix B – Non Designated SitesS
Neighbourhood Plan Briefing Notes
Lives in Sowerby, works in Sowerby Bridge. Background in Administration.
Lives in Sowerby, works in Sowerby Bridge. Background in Insurance.
Lives in Sowerby, works in Rishworth. Background in Webdesign.
Lives in Sowerby, works locally. Background in building.
Lives in Sowerby, now retired. Background as Chartered Acountant.
Lives in Sowerby, works locally. Background in Teaching.
Lives in Sowerby, now retired. Background in Museums.
The most important part of this plan is you!
We need your thoughts, opinion and support. If you want to tell us anything or offer your support please contact us.